Pope County Ditch #6



  • Length - 8 miles consisting of main channel and two branches.
  • Start - Section 11, T-125-N, R-36-W, Grove Lake Township
  • End - Section 4, T-126-N, R-36-W, Westport Township


The drainage area is 13,694 acres, located in parts of Westport, Grove Lake townships in Pope County; Raymond and Ashley townships in Stearns County.

It serves as the outlet for Stearns / Pope Joint Ditch #1 and Pope County Ditch #11.


  • Ditch was established in 1906.
  • Ditch Authority was transferred from Pope County to the SRDA in 1991.
  • Records show many minor repairs have been completed on this system, but the record is not totally complete for this system.  An As Built is on file.
  • 2017 petition for repair was received by the SRDA.
  • A Redetermination of Benefits was  started in 2019 and completed in 2021.  However, the process became complicated with two other legal ditch systems using PCD # 6 as their outlet.  Benefits were determined for all properties within the watershed of PCD # 6 to include direct and indirect benefits (those lands contributing the need for system capacity and maintenance.
  • Total Benefits - $1,039,088.57
  • Total benefitted acres - 4,203.03