Pope/Stearns Judicial Ditch #1



Start - Section 8, T-125-N, R-35-W, Raymond Township
End - Section 11, T-125-N, R-36-W, Grove Lake Township

Branch # 1

Entirely within NE Section 8, T-125-n, R-35-W, Raymond Township

Branch #2

Start - Section 16, T-125-N, R-35-W, Raymond Township
End - Section 7/18. T-125-N, R-35-W, Raymond Township

Branch #2, Fork #1

Entirely within Section 17, T-125-N, R-35-W, Raymond Township


The land drained by JD1 starts in Stearns County about 8.5 miles southwest of Sauk Centre.  The ditch consists of a main stem, two branches, and one sub-branch (fork).  The ditch flows south, then north and west and outlets into County Ditch #6.  The total ditch length including the branches is 7.5 miles.


  • JD1 was established in 1906.
  • The Ditch was transferred to the SRWD in 1991.
  • A partial abandonment was ordered in 21012 of Lateral One of Branch #1.
  • A petition for repair was received in 2015.
  • The order to proceed with repair was adopted in May of 2016.
  • In September 2016, the repair process was put on hold to conduct a Redetermination of Benefits.
  • The ROB and Repair processes were delayed significantly while working through federal and state requirements..
  • In February 2021, the final Viewer's Report was adopted and the repair ordered to proceed.
  • Total Benefits - $1,206,005.88