Stearns County Ditch #15
Start - Section 4, T-125-N, R 31W Albany Township
End - Section 24, T-125N, R 32- Oak Township
Branch #1
Start - NE Section 5, T-125-N, R-31-W, Albany Township
End - SW Section 4, T-125-N, R-31-W, Albany Township
Branch #2
Start - SE Section 31, T-126-N, R-31-W, Krain Township
End - NWSE Section 8, T-125-N, R-31-W, Albany Township
Stearns County Ditch #15 consists of a main channel with two branches, located approximately 3.5 miles SE of Freeport, MN. The main channel flows NE to SW and is approximately 5 miles in length, outletting in a private ditch about 0.25 miles from SCD #26 in Section 24 of Oak Township. Branch #1 is approximately 2,200 feet in length and lies solely in Section 5 of Albany Township. Branch #2 is approximately 3 miles in length beginning in Section 31 of Krain Township, flowing South and East to its confluence with the main channel in Section 8 of Albany Township.
- The original ditch was constructed in July of 1907
- The ditch was transferred to the SRWD from Stearns county in 2003
- A survey was conducted in 2010 determining the alignment and profile. The survey determined CD15 is able to convey a 2-year precipitation event and the ditch was found to be out of repair.
- March of 2014 Giese Tile and Excavating Inc. was contracted for the repair.
- Total Benefit - $658,377.00