Stearns County Ditch #26


Start - Section 25, T-126-N, R-32-W, Millwood Township
End - Section 1, T-124-N, R-33-W, Spring Hill Township

Branch #1
Start - Section 34, T-126-N, R-32-W, Millwood Township
End - Section 2, T-125-N, R-32-W, Oak Township

Branch #2
Start - NW Section 2, T-124-N, R-32-W, St. Martin Township
End - Section 35, T-125-N, R-32-W, Oak Township (Getchell Lake)

Branch #3
Start - Section 10, T-125-N, R-32-W, Oak Township
End - Section 27, T-125-N, R-32-W, Oak Township

Branch #4
Start - SW Section 28, T-125-N, R-32-W, Oak Township
End - Section 27, T-125-N, R-32-W, Oak Township



This system is approximately 21.68 miles long.  Generally flowing south and west before it transitions to a natural stream.  CD 26 is also known as Getchell Creek and is designated as a public water.


  • The original ditch was constructed in July of 1905.
  • The ditch was transferred to the SRWD from Stearns County in 2003.
  • A survey was conducted in 2010 determining the alignment and profile.
  • Due to the magnitude of the repair project on this large system, the SRDA determined CD 26 be bid in two repair phases. The first was in 2013.
  • In January 2014, Phase 2 was awarded.
  • Repairs were completed in the fall of 2016.
  • The SRDA conducted a Redetermination of Benefits on SCD 26 and adopted the final viewers reports in June of 2001.
  • In 2020, a Project Team was established to identify projects that will improve water quality, improve habitat, and provide adequate agricultural drainage.
  • Total Benefits - $1,191,097.95
  • Total Damages - $378.600.00